Zystrix = a source, shaman, or library disseminating secret or lost knowledge, art, or music.
Synapse Audio
Dune Synthesizer
Download Over 200
Synapse Audio
Dune 2 and Dune 3
Synthesizer Patches
and Presets
I’m a sucker for synth patches that are strange or never heard rarities.
The effects (FX) synth presets are always my first go-to favorites on
any synthesizer quickly followed by the organs and pads. So here’a a
bunch of free synth patches for the Synapse Audio Dune 2 and Dune
3 synthesizers. There are a few basses and organs, there’s also a
number of pads, but most of them are sound effects. Is there any such
thing as a sound effect pad? Hmm, well, maybe. Anyway, to install
them simply inflate (unzip) the folders, find the Dune 3 or Dune 2
documents directory folder on your hard drive where your factory
presets are located, and then copy the folders there. They will show up
under your Dune Soundbanks tab. If not then you may have to exit and
re-start the synth program. Each folder contains 48 presets or patches
with a bonus folder of extras. There are links below to hear some
recorded examples. All were produced by pressing keyboard note C4
or thereabouts. These sounds and associated patches are royalty free
and yours to keep and use. Download Dune 3 presets. Enjoy.
Here are Some Included MP3 Examples.
Fred’s 1950s space movie Fred’s atmos-fear
Fred’s bad dream complexity Fred’s basement voices
Fred’s big and creepy Fred’s bird planet
Fred’s bubble bats Fred’s Carpathia horn
Fred’s clutter pad Fred’s Cinematic Adventure
Click here to download over 200 FREE Synapse Audio
Dune 2 or Dune 3 synthesizer patches or presets.
NOTE: This synth patch download is slightly over 1 Meg in size.