Zystrix = a source, shaman, or library disseminating secret or lost knowledge, art, or music.
Below you will find the Glossary of Words, Terms, and Mortuary Slang used in the book The Fluid, Embalmed for Life Fred Kissell 2020 Published by Zystrix August 22, 2020
Glossary of Words, Terms, and Mortuary Slang used in the book The Fluid, Embalmed for Life Fred Kissell 2020 Published by Zystrix 10-4 = police code for understood, your message is received 10-76 = police code for on the way, en route. 11-7 = police code for a prowler. affect = to produce a mental change or reaction. AMS = American Mortuary Society. ambrosia = food of the gods. Amos = brave and strong. Anubis = the Egyptian god of embalming who leads the dead to judgment. apocrypha, apocryphal = 1. works of possible unknown authorship or doubtful origin, 2. secret, forbidden, or hidden knowledge or information, 3. works not included, stolen, or prohibited according to spiritual consult in a major collection of other historically related works. apostasy = to abandon or ignore a belief in a principle, faith, religion, or cause. armastation = an unchallenged and unforgiving religious judgment followed by torture with fire and burning to death. ascension = 1. to rise above the social clutter and noise enough to see over it and become enlightened, 2. to arrive in heaven following a biblical type of resurrection. ascien = a frightening presentation of unknown or magical powers. aspergillum = an instrument used to sprinkle holy water. atheist = 1. a person who rejects religious claims that a god or gods exist, 2. a person who can no longer legally experience armastation. autopsy = the dissection of a dead human body looking for clues or a method of death and any drugs, alcohol, etc that may be related to the death. Bahkatainka = the holy book of the Ecobrians. Bathorian = the evil nemesis of Dionese. Beblesan = Bahkatainka the wandering prophet, sooth sayer, and wise mareekna who died by forced drowning. beca = a scholarly person well educated and versed in the sciences of biology, evolution, chemistry, and anatomy. Belga = Bahkatainka an early proponent of the Ecobrian religious world view and thought to possibly be the first mareekna. beseech = to beg or ask earnestly. bilirubin = a yellowish bile found in small quantities in the blood and urine. biogenesis = 1. life forms artificially produced from similar life forms using genetic transference, 2. new life forms arising naturally by evolution. blasphemous = irreverent, profane, or contemptuous intentions toward a divinity. cadaveric spasm = a rare muscle stiffening that occurs at the moment of death and continues into the period of rigor mortis. cannula = a surgical angled hollow tube inserted into an artery for injecting embalming fluid. casket = a coffin Casper’s Law = a dead body left in the open air decomposes twice as fast as a body left underwater and decomposes eight times faster than if buried underground. chapel = the place of service in a funeral home. Clostridium perfringens = also called “dead disease” by morticians, it is a rod-shaped, spore-forming, gram positive, pathogenic, anaerobic bacteria with an extremely fast reproduction time and a quick motility, commonly causes food poisoning in the USA, and causes rapid gaseous disfigurement throughout in a dead human body. corpsicle = mortuary slang for a cryogenically frozen dead human body. cortège = the vehicles following in a funeral procession. cremains = mortuary slang for the ashes of a human body after cremation. cryogenics = 1. the science dealing with extremely low temperatures and the nature and properties of matter, 2. the freezing of a dead human in hopes of reviving them in the future as science knowledge progresses. Daniel = God is my judge and my strength. Dawn of Debacle = the beginning of a totally overwhelming and horrible change in society. dead-beat country club = mortuary slang for a pauper cemetery often without any visible grave markings. dead disease = mortuary slang for the rapid gaseous disfigurement of a dead human body caused by the bacteria Clostridium perfringens. death factory = mortuary slang for a hospital. debacle = a total overwhelming defeat, collapse, or failure. decomp’ = mortuary slang for a badly decomposed dead human body. deity = a god or goddess. dendritic cells = messengers between the adaptive and innate immune systems and the orchestration of the immune response in mammals. desiccated = dry without moisture, to be completely dried. Dionese = Bahkatainka God of the Ecobrians. dirt nap = mortuary slang for in repose and buried, the eternal entombment. disinter, disinterred = to exhume or to be dug out of the grave. dismal trade = slang for a mortician’s job. disposition = to dispose of something by a certain method. divination = to foretell the future by using cards, the occult, seance, or black magic. Divination Cards = ancient occult card demonstration where four are drawn from a deck of thirty-six and witnessed in sequence for their predictions of the future. Numeric sequences can indicate warning, advice, or fortune from within a prediction. divinity = a god, or supreme power, or deity. doctor of grief = slang for a mortician. Drilda = the evil spirit who comes out at night from under the bed and brings children bad dreams. dyspnea = shortness of breath. ecchymosis = the exit of blood from a vessel into the surrounding tissues causing discoloration, a bruise. Ecobrian, Ecobrians = an ancient religious anti-embalming sect who burned their dead and saved their ashes in urns underground. egress = 1. to leave or exit, 2. the door leading to the outside. E.L.V. = eternal life virus emancipation = to be released from servitude and bondage. embalmination = 1. a specialized embalming procedure that enables the dead to come back to life, 2. the living result of this type of embalming. ephemeral = transient, a short amount of time. epigraph = a quote or passage placed at the beginning of a book or chapter to introduce a theme. Erick = one who is unique and alone. erudite = very educated and scholarly, having a vast knowledge. facies hippocrates = the final facial expression of death characterized by a pinched nose with the mouth and eyes partially open. fish-head = mortuary slang for a person who is overtly or annoyingly Christian. floater = mortuary slang for a dead body found in water. forensic = specialized training in scientific and medical methods for the investigation of a possible crime involving death. formaldehyde gray, embalmer’s gray = the skin color and tone of a rigidly embalmed body from using a fluid with a much higher than necessary formaldehyde index. formalin = a water solution containing up to 50% formaldehyde and often part wood alcohol. genetic drift = an evolutionary change in gene frequency over time resulting in bad, neutral, or beneficial mutations. genetic sequence = the microscopic long-chain biochemical code-like information found in RNA and DNA that determines the particular characteristics and qualities of an organism. gospel = good news, a testimony believed to be true. gug = an exclamation of sickening disgust. gurney = a fold-able stretcher or cot on wheels used in a funeral home first call car, ambulance, or hospital. Harimeg = A geographical area located between the middle and far east thought to be where the Ecobrians originated. Helen = a hot flaming torch, a bright shining light or flame. hemolytic hemoptysis = the expulsion of blood hemoglobin into the surrounding tissue and fluids because of cell wall bursting. homicide = murder, manslaughter. hybrid evolution = 1. to forcefully increase the speed of natural evolution for any given mixed hybrid virion, cell type, or organism, 2. to gather enough genetic code into a homogeneous working RNA or DNA sequence for introduction into a dead cell or organism, 3. to combine fractions of RNA or DNA to produce a mixed hybrid type of virion, cell, or organism that reproduces rapidly with beneficial genetic drift. hybrid speciation = the hybrid of two different species leading to yet another new specie that is sexually isolated from the parents. hybrid vigor =a phenomenon resulting from hybridization in which the offspring display more strength, speed, resistance, size, etc. than the parents. hypothesis = an unproven idea or supposition, a hunch. incarnation = a person or thing as an embodiment or representation of a concept, form, or formulation. insipid = to have low value, tasteless, boring. interred, internment = to be buried. jaundice = a condition of the yellowing of eyes, skin, and urine because of an increase in bile pigments (biliruben) not sufficiently broken down and excreted by the liver. J-J on a stick, Jesus on a stick = mortuary slang for a Catholic crucifix inserted inside a casket for a viewing and visitation. Josha = satisfied. Julian = one who is always youthful. Kenzo-oz = Bahkatainka a Japanese wise man who traveled west in search of new knowledge and philosophies to later become a follower of the Ecobrian religion, a mareekna, and teacher. labyrinth = 1. a walking structure used for occupying the left hemisphere of the brain so the right hemisphere can be used more freely as in problem solving and creativity, 2. a maze, 3. a perplexing situation or state of affairs. last-responder = mortuary slang for a mortician. ligature = a type of thread or wire used in embalming and surgery. lipid = fats and other similar water insoluble chemicals. Lobinan = Bahkatainka The mareekna who preached the evils of embalming, especially of the ultra rich pharaohs and their followers. lucrative = producing great profit or wealth. Lukman = 1. the holy perpetual cremation fire of the Ecobrians, 2. a person who has the ability to predict the future from bone pain, 3. the 31st sura in the Qur’an named after the wise man (Luqman). Malkurst = 1. a bad or evil curse, 2. a gruesome and morbid slowly creeping change of events, 3. a fiendish blasphemous oath or promise. marbleton = mortuary slang for the Catholic section of a cemetery because of religious idols and statuary. mareekna = 1. the Ecobrian theologian and teacher closest to Dionese and creation, 2. a high priest of the Ecobrian religion. matriculation = to enroll into an institution or school. melancholy = to be gloomy or sad. memory picture = an easy-on-the-eye perfectly embalmed and dressed body in (usually) an expensive casket ready for viewing and burial. modernity = recent or present times representing the latest forms, styles, or ideas. morbid = gruesome and horrible. mortuary = a place where dead bodies are stored before final disposition, a funeral home. Nameran = Bahkatainka the mareekna responsible for the spreading of the Ecobrian religion into upper Egypt and around the Mediterranean area. It is thought he preached the anti-embalming movement during the time of rulers Scorpion and Elephant. necrochemistry = the scientific knowledge of the general changes that occur in a dead body over time, Casper’s Law, etc. necromancy = communications with the dead as practiced in certain religions and many occults. Nicholas = a conqueror who defeats by force. Nigara = Bahkatainka 1. a mystical heavenly place of spirituality, tranquility, and monetary riches, 2. a type of heaven found on earth. opitulation = to help or give aid or assistance. oppression = to be weighed down by stress caused by any one or more of multiple kinds. oratory = the art, skill, and eloquence of an orator or public speaker. palliative = to lessen or ease discomfort or pain without curing. pathologist = a physician laboratory consultant and specialist educated and trained in the diagnosis and pathology of effects and causes of injury, disease, etc. pharaoh = a ruler, monarch, or king of ancient Egypt. plagiarism = the act of taking or stealing a story, idea, formula, or code and passing it off as one’s own intellectual property. platonic = a non-sexual relationship. postmortem = after death. postmortem caloricity = the natural warming of a newly dead body before it slowly cools to the ambient temperature. postmortem ecchymosis (gravity dependent) = the escape and pooling of blood into lower surrounding tissues causing purple discoloration after death because of a lack of circulation and hemolytic hemoptisis. preservation = to keep from rotting or spoiling. prophecy = to predict something using any of various types of divine, mysterious, or evil guidance. propitiation = to regain good will. purge = mortuary slang for the slow “vomiting” or expulsion of body fluids from a dead human, usually from the mouth, but also from other orifices. putrefaction, putrefied = decomposition resulting in foul smelling gases: putrecine, cadaverine, etc. removal = mortuary slang for the placing of a dead body onto a gurney from the place of death and delivering it to the funeral home. repose = to lie at final rest to appear sleeping, usually in a casket. restorative art = the practice and skill of returning a poorly viewed dead body into a more acceptable memory picture. revelation = an astonishing disclosure of future knowledge given by a supernatural human or agency. rigor mortis = a slowly progressing muscle stiffness in death which fades over a few days. sava = 1. a person skilled in telepathic communication with gods, deities, or another sava, 2. the telepathic skill acquired by embalminations. séance = a meeting with a medium or spiritualist who attempts to communicate with the spirits of the dead. Sedumat = Bahkatainka the mareekna believed to resurrect and fly away from his own cremation flames. serendipity = beautiful or useful discoveries made by mistake. shake-n-bake = mortuary slang for the cremation of a dead human body. slop sink = mortuary slang for a square sink located at the foot end of an embalming table and used to collect blood and body fluids drained during the embalming process. slumber = mortuary slang for the final repose and burial. stir-plate = a laboratory instrument used to mix various liquids by spinning a magnet inside a vessel. sulfalized = the point at which a person is totally fed up with an annoyance or disagreeable situation. sutured = the repair with ligature by sewing together separated parts including skin, blood vessels, and various organs. terlis = old term for a personal wiping cloth used in the bathroom; a toilet paper. thalasting = to improve something to the point which makes it much better and/or lasts much longer. theory = a scientific construct for a proven methodology. thioglycolate broth = used for measuring the oxygen requirements of micro-organisms and separating out the strict anaerobes such as Clostridium perfringens. tribulation = a life event causing sorrow, distress, loss, and suffering. trocar = a long sharp surgical hollow tube inserted through the abdominal wall of a dead body as in cavity embalming. urn = a type of cremation vase used to contain human ashes. virion = the infectious form of virus found outside a host cell. vogue = accepting of the general fashion and style of the time. vortex = a suction forming whirlpool in liquids on a stir-plate. VSA = vital signs absent. windfall = a financial unexpected stroke of luck. zeitgeist = a trend or feeling during a certain period of time. zystrix = a source, shaman, or library disseminating secret or lost knowledge, art, or music.